ATH 908 - Coaching: The Female Athlete

This course is designed to encourage the coach to examine gender differences and stereotypes that are typically encountered by coaches as they coach female athletes in our competitive world. The National Standards for Sport Coaches (NSSC) as part of the NASPE national standards calls for coaches to be knowledgeable in the area of coaching methods and other related area relevant to understanding how to effectively work with various personalities and types of athletes, including the female athlete. The activities of this course are designed to better acquaint and refine within the coaching individual, their understandings of the current athletic environment relative to the female athletes. This will be accomplished through activities such as coaches interviews, readings, a focused web search, observations, and guided evaluation through practical experiences with current coaches and/or female student-athletes.

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Course Information

Credit: 3-semester units college credit

Fees: $460 (Includes tuition and fees) – Students are required to purchase the materials separately.

Instructor: Dennis Janzen, Ph.D. • [email protected] • 559-287-8389

Endorsement for ATH 908

Enjoyed the class …just wish I would have taken earlier in my teaching career!! – Nebraska

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